The NHS App is designed to give you greater access to your GP and NHS services, it is free, convenient, safe, and easy to use.
What you can do with the NHS App
You need to prove who you are to get full access to the NHS App. With full access you can:
- order repeat prescriptions and nominate a pharmacy where you would like to collect them
- book and manage appointments
- view your GP health record to see information like your allergies and medicines
- see test results
- book and manage COVID-19 vaccinations
- register your organ donation decision
- choose how the NHS uses your data
- view your NHS number (find out what your NHS number is)
- use NHS 111 online to answer questions and get instant advice or medical help near you
Before proving who you are, you can use the NHS App to:
- search trusted NHS information and advice on hundreds of conditions and treatments
- find NHS services near you
NHS App – access issues for older smartphone versions
From 3 February 2025 users of the following versions of iOS and Android operating systems will not be able to access the NHS App via the app on their phones:
- iOS 12
- Android 6
- Android 7
Due to NHS App redesign and improvements last year, a small number of users will no longer have access to NHS App services via an app and will need to access them via their NHS Account using a web browser. You can do this using this link and find out how to do this watching these videos.
Users using iOS 13 and iOS 14 on their phones, can upgrade on their devices to the minimum supported version, iOS 15.
The NHS App will be operating only on:
- Android version 8 and above, on devices with a front-facing camera
- Apple iOS version 15 and above
Google has a guide on how to check and update your Android version.
Apple has a guide on how to update your iOS on iPhone.

Installing the app
- Open the App store or Google play
- Search for ‘NHS App’.
- Install the app.
If you already have an NHS login account for other apps and websites you can use the same email address and password to log in.
To create an NHS login account, you must be aged 13 or over, and have an email address and phone number:
- Enter your email address and select Continue.
- Choose a password.
- Accept the NHS login terms and conditions.
- We will email you a security code. Enter this code in the NHS App to confirm your email address.
- Enter your mobile phone number and select Continue.
- We will send you another security code in a text message. Enter this code in the NHS App to confirm your mobile phone number.
- If you have entered the correct codes, you can access the NHS App.
- You will now have an NHS login.
Proving who you are
You will need to prove who you are to access other services like seeing your GP health record and other personal information.
Use photo ID to prove who you are.
You will need a form of photo ID such as a valid UK passport or UK driving licence.
You have two options.
Option 1 – Complete a face scan
- The NHS App, NHS login will guide you on how to:
- Take a photo of your ID with your mobile phone.
- Complete an automated scan of your face using your mobile phone. This will be used to match your face with the photo ID.
- Enter your date of birth.
- Enter your NHS number or your name and postcode.
- When you have completed these steps, your identity should be confirmed within a few hours.
Option 2 – Take a video
- The NHS App, NHS login will guide you on how to:
- Take a photo of your ID with your mobile phone.
- Record a short video of your face and say 4 randomly generated numbers (you can also use British Sign Language or write the numbers down and show them in the video).
- Enter your date of birth.
- Enter your NHS number or your name and postcode.
- When you have completed these steps, your identity should be confirmed within a few hours.
What if you do not have photo ID
Each GP surgery creates an online account for patients on their local computer system. You can use the following details from that account to prove who you are:
- the ODS code of your GP surgery
- the account ID
- a linkage key or a
Your GP surgery should give these details to you in a ‘PIN document’. The linkage key or passphrase will expire 2 weeks after it is printed. When you have the PIN document, follow these steps in the NHS App:
- Select How to prove who you are without photo ID
- Select Yes – I use online services
- Select Yes – I have all 3 details
- Enter your ODS code, account ID, and linkage key or passphrase
- Enter your full name and date of birth
Logging in to the NHS App
- Enter your email address and select Continue.
- Enter the password you created when you registered on the app.